Candidate Engineers Programme

Candidates for this programme are selected after they have successfully completed their engineering qualifications at university and are as a rule ArcelorMittal "engineering bursars". Occasionally the programme will accept external graduates that were not ArcelorMittal bursars.

All candidates must have obtained a (4-year) university degree. They are offered an opportunity to undergo the 24 month programme allowing them eventual registration with the Engineering Council of South Africa (ECSA). The programme is designed to assist individual career development  and to give global exposure within the group.

Will I have support?

Mentors are allocated to all successful bursars. There are coaches who are subject matter experts in the respective areas where candidate engineers are placed.

Engineers, Technician Association (ETA) is a forum of young professionals who were previously ArcelorMittal bursars and have obtained their formal qualification. Members of this group of engineers and technicians from different engineering disciplines are available to assist bursars. 

The Young Professionals Forum creates a vehicle for technical and business related information sharing, to promote the different technical disciplines and to offer general assistance with regard to work related problems.

How will my progress be monitored?

Candidate Engineers are expected to present their project and exposure every six months, if declared competent his/her salary will be adjusted accordingly. There are four presentations that make up the 24month programme.

Candidate Engineers are given feedback at the end of their presentation and panel's recommendations.

What happens after 24 months?
If declared competent after 24 months of the training programme, the Candidate Engineer is appointed as an engineer where a position is available.